Forbes & Lewis is a company that sells authentic, luxury leather and canvas bags. Their founders have stated that they were frustrated by the super-expensive designer bags and the cheap, poor-quality bags that fell apart easily. Therefore, their mission is to offer their customers quality, functional and affordable goods. They mainly cater to a male audience but also have some pieces that ladies can use. They sell leather products like holdalls, backpacks, cardholders, laptop sleeves, wallets, make-up bags and luggage tags. Most of the pieces come in the typical brown leather colour, giving them a masculine appeal. Each piece is unique and handcrafted using quality materials. Their bags are made to be functional by incorporating several pockets and useful details while remaining stylish and luxurious. There’s a huge community of people passionate about leather items. Forbes & Lewis has a blog and social media presence to connect with this community and share knowledge and inspiration about craft leather items. They even have a movie and video lookbook that showcases their story and designs.
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