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MenKind is a leading gadget and gift store that targets men. It offers a wide range of products meant for men of various ages at a discounted price. The online store boasts a comprehensive list of items that cover the needs and desires of any man in the UK. Customers can visit the website to buy items such as food, gaming gadgets, outdoor and garden gifts, toys, clothing and accessories, drinking items, novelty gifts, tech gadgets, board and party games. It also sells remote controls, drones, and personalised gifts.Visitors looking for unique items can also check out a variety of licenced merchandise that includes collectibles, lights, movie and cartoon characters, pin badges and keyrings, and bathrobes and slippers. Customers can also use the platform to generate gift ideas for their men. This section classifies men by the type of relationship, occasion, or personality to help users determine the best gift for them, which makes getting something they would love a lot easier.The store can be reached using a phone line every Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. It also has a newsletter subscription service that provides information on trends in the men’s world.

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