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Wombat Cricket

Wombat Cricket is a cricket specialist firm located in the Southwest. However, its workshop and showrooms are located in Devon. The company is known for producing handmade cricket bats with a team of experienced workers led by Harry Solomon. Due to its quality products, the company has won different awards over the years, including Small Business of the Year, Young Businessperson of the Year and Manufacturing Business of the Year at different positions and across various years.The company works with a sister firm called Wombat Willows, which manages willow plantations to provide clefts for use in making bats. With the willow clefts, it is able to create different profiles of the cricket bats to meet individual player needs. Some of the popular bat profiles include the Wombat Onyx, Wombat Boughton Limited Edition, Wombat Geometric and Bespoke Bat Service. You can also purchase a Wombat gift card for a loved one.In addition to bats, the company does bat repairs and sells bat accessories such as carrying bags and gloves. The company also has a junior shop for young cricket players where you can buy bats, gloves, storage kits and gift cards. Check Wombatcricket.co.uk for the currently stocked items.

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Wombat Cricket

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