(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Proper golf insurance.
    Golfing is great, but not when you are faced with unexpected issues such as theft of your gear. I absolutely will not play golf without insurance, so I am very happy with Golf Care’s insurance. The website and terms and conditions are very clear and everything is easy to arrange. The price is also fine.
    I recommend Golf Care based on my own experience.


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Golf Care

Golfcare is an insurance provider for golfers in the UK. Through their website golfcare.co.uk, they offer a range of packages that provide cover for golfers on and off the course. Their insurance covers equipment, injuries and damage caused to golf courses by insured players. The most comprehensive package available is their Golfers Insurance which provides personal accident insurance as well as protection for your clubs and other equipment. This package also includes free rounds of golf at selected courses, making it an attractive proposition for avid golfers. Additionally, Golfcare offers a price guarantee which promises to beat any quote you receive from another insurer. Injuries sustained while playing or practising are covered with Golfcare’s Golfers Insurance policy, so if the worse happens you can be safe in the knowledge that you are covered. Also included in this package is personal accident insurance that will pay out if you suffer accidnets playing or practising golf, giving you peace of mind while playing the game you love. Golfcare’s packages also provide cover against damage caused to the course as a result of insured players’ actions such as divots and ball marks. So if an unfortunate event occurs during your round of golf then you won’t have to worry about covering the cost yourself. Overall, Golfcare offers a comprehensive range of packages for all types of golfer at competitive prices. With their price guarantee and excellent cover options, they provide peace of mind when playing or practising the game we all know and love.

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