MoneySuperMarket is a financial comparison website that helps users find and compare different financial products and services. The platform covers a wide range of categories including motor insurance (car, van, motorcycle, caravan and more), various types of insurance policies, money related products such as credit cards, loans, savings accounts and mortgages, and utilities such as energy, broadband and mobile phones. A feature of MoneySuperMarket is its extensive range of car insurance options, catering for different drivers and vehicle types. This includes policies for temporary insurance, new and young drivers, over 50s and even specific types of insurance such as black box and classic car insurance. The site also offers vehicle maintenance services such as breakdown cover, car leasing and car finance. MoneySuperMarket provides tools such as loan calculators, savings calculators and mortgage calculators to help users make informed decisions based on their specific financial situation. The site also offers guides on a range of financial topics.
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