(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Nice, fast and expert help
    Highly recommended for the great support and help in finding the right cot. For me as a single dad this was very helpful and saved me a lot of hassle, which is why I am leaving this review to pay you guys back a bit.


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Bakare Beds is a company that specialises in the supply of electric healthcare, mobility and medical beds. They offer a comprehensive range of beds that focus on dignity and independence for both adults and children. The company offers adult beds, children’s beds, mattresses and changing tables, all designed to meet the specific needs of the user. Bakare Beds pride themselves on being the adjustable bed experts and offer a range of high quality German adjustable beds. The company also provides delivery throughout the UK and offers a full delivery, installation and demonstration service. They have a wide range of aids to living, including profile beds, children’s cots, changing benches and overhead lifts. Bakare Beds supply their products directly to customers as well as working with occupational therapists, case managers, healthcare professionals, nursing homes and hospices. They have built a trusted reputation for providing high quality adjustable beds and equipment to various organisations within the healthcare sector.

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