(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Good products!
    I like all the items I have ordered. The quality is high and the clothes are very comfortable. I am completely satisfied!


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BAM Bamboo Clothing

BAM is an online clothing company founded by David Gordon. David became an entrepreneur in his twenties out of necessity. It operates as an e-commerce website for shopping and delivering clothes. Their specialty is the bamboo fabric for fitness and leisure clothing. BAM was founded in 2006 and is based in Plymouth, England.BAM’s primary aim is to make activewear sustainable and recyclable. The brand is British-designed sustainable bamboo activewear for men & women. Its women’s collection features antibacterial, organic, super-soft socks, leggings, vests, tops, and more for both men and women.Consumers have given Bam clothing positive reviews on different customer review platforms. As part of customer service, when a customer buys something they don’t like, the customer must return the item unused and unopened within 14 days of receipt to get a full refund.The customer is responsible for the return cost of the package unless the return is due to a fulfillment error. BAM recommends using a tracked service as the package remains the customer’s responsibility until it has been delivered.For more information or quarries, kindly contact them through their customer care Phone Number: +44 20 8940 3958 or visit their website at www.bambooclothing.co.uk.

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BAM Bamboo Clothing

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