(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Well organised
    Everything was super organised, from placing the order to delivery. I was kept well informed of progress. No problems at all or bad experiences.


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Battery Empire

Pawel Ochynski founded Battery Empire in 2008. The company started as a consulting service company where they advised customers when servicing computer equipment and during the laptop buying process. Due to the extensive knowledge of the market and demand for laptop construction and electronic equipment, the company decided to deal with selling lithium-ion batteries for cameras, mobile phones and laptops (since 2010).The transformation resulted in the now-known online store Battery Empire. Battery Empire deals with different electronic accessories from Keyboard for laptops, chargers and power suppliers for laptops to external batteries and power banks. You can pay for your purchases using Visa, Mastercard and PayPay. They offer a 30days return policy on all products.The company is always working to improve its competitiveness and efficiency in their product and services. Battery Empire has a Facebook page that contains all the interesting content about the work and services offered. Do you have any questions or concerns, you can write to Battery Empire customer care on the official website chat section or contact them via Telephone: +44 808 196 5006 or Email: contact@batteryempire.co.uk. All services are available from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, and Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm.

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Battery Empire

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