(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
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    Customer Service and Trainer Review
    I ordered a pair of Black Arbi Sleek sneakers, once I’d sent the order I realised that i ordered the wrong size by mistake. I immediately emailed the customer service team and made contact with Kerry who emailed me back almost immediately and thankfully was able to rectify my mistake straight away, she also emailed me once my trainers had left to posted. Excellent customer service, the fact that she went out of her way to make sure I got the right size and received my order within 3 days. Brilliant. My trainers are gorgeous, so so comfortable and they look amazing. I’m a massive trainer fan and I have quite a “few” pairs, but my black tulip trainers are on another level, beautifully made, really stylish and I know will go with anything I wear them with. Thank you delighted with the service and quality would recommend Black Tulip to anyone and everyone. Xx


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Black Tulip

Black Tulip Studio is a fashion retailer known for its range of footwear, including trainers, ankle boots and loafers. The studio’s approach to design incorporates the principles of the slow fashion movement, focusing on creating seasonless styles. With a philosophy rooted in creating timeless pieces, their selection of footwear reflects a commitment to durability and classic design. Black Tulip Studio’s product range showcases a mix of traditional and modern elements with an emphasis on British design. They offer a variety of footwear styles such as the Etesian Western Boot and the Kamut All Day Loafer, as well as the Arbi Sleek Sneaker. The studio emphasises artisan craftsmanship, carefully sourcing materials and adhering to ethical standards. Black Tulip Studio is expanding its product range to include a gift card option, providing customers with a flexible gifting solution. Their online platform presents a curated selection of their products with detailed descriptions and images of the footwear options available.

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