(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Warning fake goods
    Warning Fake products
    We brought a balmain handbag and it was a fake we went to the local handbag shop in the UK and was very clearly a fake
    Also the UK return law is to ask to return with 14 days the 14 days to return they expect you to return instantly as they want it back within 14 days but due to delayed responses it is impossible Warning scam company


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Cettire is your premier online destination for high-end fashion, offering an extensive selection of clothing, shoes, bags and accessories for women, men and kids. With a focus on luxury and designer brands, Cettire curates the latest collections from over 500 world-renowned designers, ensuring fashion-forward individuals have access to the very best in contemporary and classic styles. From the elegance of Dolce & Gabbana to the minimalist charm of Société Anonyme, Cettire offers a diverse range of clothing to suit all tastes and occasions. Whether you’re looking for the perfect outfit for a special occasion, updating your wardrobe with the latest trends or searching for the ultimate statement piece, Cettire’s extensive collection has something for everyone. The site regularly hosts exclusive sales offering discounts on selected designer brands, making luxury fashion more accessible.

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