(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Stay away at all cost
    These people are thieves and liars. They delivered a broken item and repeatedly lied about refunding my account so I have lost my money. Stay away at all cost!


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Cheerful Bargains

Cheerful Bargains Ltd is an online wholesale and retail company based in Gateshead. The company sells a wide array of big and luxurious brand names at customer-friendly prices. They offer almost every household item, from charcoal for your BBQ to pet suppliers for your cat.Cheerful Bargains’ website is well detailed, and you’ll find an extensive collection of high-quality brands like Disney, Viners, Salter, Great British Bakeware, and more. Presently, they have more than 400 products in-store, most of them being on Amazon and their original website.They also have a responsive and knowledgeable customer support team to assist you in case of any inquiry. You can contact the customer support team via telephone, online, or visit them in-store. Whichever means you use, you’ll receive assistance promptly.Notably, Cheerful Bargains Ltd is among the Top 1000 Amazon UK sellers – 921st to be specific. The company is also dedicated to looking after the environment by recycling 95% of its waste.

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