(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    A good experience.
    I had a good experience at this webshop! The website was user-friendly and I quickly found what I was looking for. Ordering was easy and the delivery was fast and well-packaged. The quality of the product was as expected, fine. I am very satisfied and will definitely shop at this webshop again!


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CurrentBody was founded in 2009 and was the first company to bring electronic muscle stimulation technology to beauty products due to the positive beauty effects associated with it. Since then the company has become a major player on the international beauty market. In the assortment of the CurrentBody webshop you will find numerous beauty products, such as anti-ageing products, cleansers, hair removal products, skin care products and products that promote mental well-being. The brands offered in CurrentBody’s web shop include Elegant Touch, Braun, Trophy Skin, Swiss Clinic, Remington, PRAI Beauty, vSculpt, Quasar MD and MZ Skin. In the company’s web shop, you can pay with your Visa, Master Card or Maestro credit card. You can also pay your order at CurrentBody with PayPal or iDEAL. Finally, you can also pay afterwards via Klarna.

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