(2 Reviews)

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    Number of reviews: 2
  1. Rating:

    AVOID these cowboys
    Ordered 2 monitors for new office and paid extra for next day delivery.
    Next day nothing arrived and contacted them and they said item was now out of stock so would be 6 business days.
    I waited 2 weeks and they didn’t contact me and the items didn’t arrive. I contacted them and they said they want more money as the sale price had now ended ??? They said if I paid it the items were now in stock and they would deliver the next day.
    I refused to pay extra and they said the items are out of stock and they cancelled the order.
    What a joke of a company


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  2. Rating:

    Reliable online shop.
    I will undoubtedly order here again! Everything went well from the time of ordering to home delivery. I was also kept well informed via email.


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Eccentric Professionals Limited is an online store that caters to customers looking for quality consumer electronics and software. At ecprof.com, customers can find a wide variety of items, from the latest appliances and monitors to the latest Microsoft software, programs and memory. With their trade account, customers can access discounts on their purchases, while those who become partners can enjoy even greater savings. At ecprof.com, customers can find products from a range of leading brands, including Microsoft. This means customers have access to the latest technologies, at prices that are often lower than those found in traditional stores. The website also offers a range of helpful tools, such as comparison charts and detailed product descriptions, to help customers make informed purchasing decisions. Eccentric Professionals Limited has a strong commitment to customer service, and offers a wide range of payment options, as well as a comprehensive returns policy. The website also features an extensive range of helpful information and advice, including guides on how to make the most of the products they sell.

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