(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Broken items , poor quality
    I have ordered from EMP for many years but have been left dissapointed this year . All items were either broken or of really poor quality . The product photos do not match the item you get! Very bad as I am now left with items I can not use nor give as Xmas presents


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EMP is a one-stop shop for music, entertainment and fashion enthusiasts, offering an extensive range of merchandise. Founded in 1986, EMP has established itself as a renowned provider of clothing, accessories, media products and lifestyle merchandise. The product catalogue ranges from women’s, men’s and children’s clothing including T-shirts, dresses, skirts, shoes, jackets, hoodies, shirts, trousers, sportswear and swimwear. The platform also offers a range of accessories including hats, sunglasses, bags, scarves, belts, wallets, sportswear and jewellery. Media products range from CDs and vinyl records to cassettes, catering for the nostalgic, the audiophile and the contemporary music lover. EMP’s range doesn’t stop at personal style; it extends to home and leisure items such as figurines, posters, kitchenware, drinkware and office supplies. The EMP website aims to provide an immersive shopping experience and is constantly updated with new arrivals, limited time discounts and popular items. For the gaming community, EMP offers a wide range of merchandise related to popular video games. In addition, the platform offers secure and easy payment options with multiple delivery methods.

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