(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
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    Beautiful jewellery!
    The jewellery is beautiful and not expensive! I bought a bracelet and matching earrings, I am extremely happy with them.


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EQVVS women is a luxury women’s clothes and accessories store established in 1985 in Mansfield. There are two EQVVS stores operating in the market today; one for men’s clothes and the other for women’s. So, customers should always check what category they are browsing when shopping.The women’s clothes and accessories store deals in a wide range of designer and luxury fashion products. The primary categories you will find at EQVVS women include clothing brands, jewellery, bags, footwear and accessories. They also feature iconic designer womenswear brands such as Ted Baker, Armani, Ugg and Moschino.EQVVS women also has a ‘summer shop’ category where they feature summer wear, including swimsuits, handbags, clothing and summer footwear.The womenswear store offers both in-store and online shopping. They deliver within the UK mainland, islands and Northern Ireland. Deliveries are done on working days (Monday to Friday), and the customer must place the order by 4 pm for it to be delivered the next working day.If you have any queries or want to place an order, you can use the following contact information to reach EQVVS women’s customer care team. Email at info@eqvvs.co.ke or call 01522 304241. The company’s address is 280-281 High Street, Lincoln LN2 1JG. Or visit the official website at https://www.eqvvswomen.co.uk/.

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