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Etta Loves

Etta Loves is a baby essentials brand with a unique focus on integrating scientific research into its product designs. The company works with an orthoptist and the University of Sussex Baby Lab to create items that support babies’ visual and cognitive development. This scientific approach influences the design of their products, which include muslins, sensory toys, playmats, bath toys, teethers and other baby accessories. The designs of Etta Loves products are characterised by specific scales, shapes, colours and patterns, chosen based on what babies can see and are naturally drawn to at different stages of their early development. This focus on developmental science sets Etta Loves apart in the baby essentials market. In addition to its product line, Etta Loves provides educational content for parents, sharing insights into baby development and the science behind its product designs. The brand also engages in artistic collaborations, such as the Etta Loves X Keith Haring and Etta Loves X Tiba + Marl collections, adding a unique artistic element to its science-based designs.

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Etta Loves

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