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Even Greener

EvenGreener.com is an online store that offers an array of composting products to help the environment and reduce food waste. The company was founded with the mission to make composting easier, faster, and more efficient for everyone. EvenGreener believes in making a positive impact on the environment and offers its customers innovative composting solutions.The company offers a wide range of products, from compost bins to compostable bags and kitchen caddies. The company also has a selection of compostable food waste disposers for those who want to reduce their food waste without leaving their kitchen. The compost bins come in various sizes, shapes and colors, and are made with recycled materials, making them a great choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.The compostable bags are a great way to easily transfer food waste from the kitchen to the compost bin. The bags are made from biodegradable materials and are designed to break down quickly in the compost pile. They are also completely odorless, making them perfect for storing food waste in the kitchen without any unpleasant smells.EvenGreener also offers kitchen caddies, which are ideal for separating food waste from other rubbish so it can be easily collected for composting. The caddy is made from recycled materials and features a handle for easy transportation.In addition to its range of composting products, EvenGreener also offers educational resources on how to effectively manage food waste at home and in businesses. This includes advice on how to reduce food waste in the first place, as well as tips on how to properly dispose of it. By offering these resources, EvenGreener helps its customers become more environmentally conscious and reduce their carbon footprint. Overall, EvenGreener is committed to providing its customers with innovative solutions for reducing their impact on the environment while still enjoying delicious meals every day. With its selection of composting products and educational resources, EvenGreener is helping people around the world become more sustainable.

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Even Greener

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