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Fanhome is a company specialising in the sale of officially licensed merchandise, models and collectibles based on popular movies, TV shows, video games and other media franchises. The company operates across Europe with a focus on providing high quality products to customers who are passionate about their favourite media franchises. Fanhome’s product range is extensive and covers a wide range of popular franchises including Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel, DC Comics and Game of Thrones. The store’s merchandise includes a variety of items such as action figures, statues, replica props, apparel and accessories, as well as products for tabletop and trading card games. In addition to merchandise, Fanhome also offers a range of models and collectibles, including scale models of vehicles and buildings from popular media franchises, as well as figurines and busts of iconic characters. These items are often created in collaboration with the original creators of the media franchise, ensuring that they are authentic and accurate representations of the source material. The Fanhome website is designed to be user-friendly and provides customers with detailed product descriptions, multiple product images and customer reviews to help them make informed purchasing decisions. The site also includes a pre-order feature for upcoming products, allowing customers to secure their favourite items before they are released.

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