(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Still no item
    Customer service taking ages to respond still no trainers and they say it’s due to delivery being slow when they havnt even sent the trainer out to be delivered .


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Focus Man

Focus Man is a retailer that offers a carefully curated selection of menswear, ranging from casual wear to high-end designer pieces. The product range is diverse and includes leading brands such as Prada Sport, Moncler Craig Green, A-COLD-WALL* and Alexander McQueen, renowned for their quality and style. Customers will find a range of Prada Sport sunglasses in a variety of colours including silver, black and grey, as well as an assortment of clothing including lightweight jackets, logo-printed T-shirts and oversized polos, all designed to meet the wardrobe needs of the modern man. In addition to clothing, Focus Man also offers accessories and footwear to ensure a complete shopping experience. These include trainers and sliders for versatile footwear options, as well as hats, bags, wallets, watches and sunglasses to complement any outfit. For those looking for an element of surprise or a special gift, Focus Man offers Designer Mystery Boxes at different price points, promising an exciting range of premium items.

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Focus Man

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