(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Terrible customer services and management.
    Everytime I order with these guys.. their system flag my order as fraudulent and cancel my order. Even when I get in touch with them they couldn’t care less if I’m a genuine person or not.. then they start mailing me news letters making me order with them again. After several orders getting cancelled I recently gave them my utility bill yet they still have not responded. Terrible customer services and shocking management. Not responding to customers is deffinitely a shame and not being able to help them tells a lot about the company.


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Go Thrift

GoThrift.co.uk is an online marketplace that serves as a treasure trove for fashion enthusiasts looking to add unique pieces to their wardrobes. Offering an extensive collection of clothing and accessories, GoThrift.co.uk caters to a diverse clientele with a range of styles and sizes. The store offers categories such as jackets, jeans, sweatshirts and more, ensuring an easy shopping experience. Men’s fashion at GoThrift.co.uk is comprehensive, with everything from casual overalls and joggers to formal trousers and shirts. The range is not only extensive but comprehensive, with items for every occasion. Whether you are looking for a casual hoody or a pair of classic Levi’s jeans, GoThrift.co.uk has a selection that includes many popular and premium brands such as Nike, Adidas, Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger.

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