(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Very good concept
    I am glad I found you and will recommend you to others. Keep up the good work and you will be successful.


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Hair Choice

Mirla Beane was founded more than 40 years ago by two co-founders – Melanie and Lauren. When they created the company, these co-founders soon realized two aspects of their business. First, sustainability is the best way forward; and second, sustainable style is largely absent. They wondered why all completely ethical companies with decent price tags only seemed to concentrate on the basics. Melanie and Lauren decided to create one after looking for the perfect sustainable product with no success.Mirla Beane is committed to developing beautiful and ethical designs that promote local creators and empower the next generation to create more unique styles and designs. Its style is design-led yet sustainable and fun but sophisticated. These designs are tailored to be durable and give you a great buzz when purchasing them.With ballooning sleeves, curving seams, strong pops of bold prints, and distinct colours, Mirla Beane’s underlying style are inspired by nature. It comes from the desire to have contemporary and wallet-friendly pieces in our wardrobes without sacrificing style or ethics.It is British designed, and all the materials are either organic, natural, or recycled – even the buttons. The packaging is biodegradable and approved by the FSC. Nothing goes to the landfill, and nothing is wasted.

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Hair Choice

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