(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Very happy!
    Very happy with my loungewear, it fits great and I wear it every night.


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House Babylon

House Babylon offers unique bedding and lifestyle collection that is cultivated with care. This way, they give customers access to ageless designs and enduring pieces. It is worth noting that they are transparent by price and conscious when it comes to the designs. House of Babylon is a foundation on which you can start your day. The time you spend in bed is normally time that is well spent. Since every single detail is taken into careful consideration from the manufacturing stage, the products are not only great and look good, they are also long-lasting. All threads go into framing a well-deserved bedtime experience, and they are chosen carefully so that every night you get to enjoy a sophisticated sleep. They also deliver to your bedroom without having to involve the retail middleman, this way, they are able to revolutionize the industry. Housebabylon.com makes conscious decisions that help clients have a healthy sleep at night. The bedding is wrapped in biodegradable packaging, they source ethical materials and the manufacturing process helps you to be comfortable while sleeping. The design used is contemporary and are of high quality and the layers are of the highest style. The collection at house Babylon sets all kinds of bed standards that are very fluffy and trendy.

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