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Lechuza has been a multi-award-winning manufacturing brand since 2000, with four production sites throughout Europe. Lechuza specializes in making elegant, sophisticated, and stylish planters and planter sets of the highest quality. The company is a subsidiary of an international group of companies among 11 other companies.Lechuza stands for quality and innovation. Since its establishment, the company has been developing and producing high-quality planters that come in different colors and shapes with a reliable function. They offer customers real added value. The firm’s employees are led by the commitment and a high level of motivation.The integrated irrigation system ensures optimal water and nutrients supply for the plant. Lechuza has developed an irrigation system that helps plants extract what they need thanks to a reservoir that always holds enough water and is controlled by a water level indicator to prevent dried out or overwatered root bales.Lechuza delivers their planters country-wide. The company aims to provide products within 2-3 working days. Heavy and bulky items are shipped via pallet carrier Palletforce kerbside and delivered on the nominated delivery date. If an ordered item is on backorder, you will receive it within 7-10 working days.For more information, inquiries, or purchase, visit their website at www.lechuza.co.uk, call them through their number on 0203 929 3489, or email at lechuzauk@instadecor.co.uk.

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