(2 Reviews)

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    Number of reviews: 2
  1. Rating:

    Scam company
    They sent a few items from which i chose and payed what I needed, but when I was expencting the last one, which never arrived, they tried taking money for all the products they claim they sent. I tried to contact them but they onlu have a mail box and some standard forms, which are not working anyways. I think it’s a garrage shop and once you givve them your bank details they’ll take money of it whenever they want claiming the “products” they “sent” you.
    Avoid if possible. Even clothes are not the best quality and they anre not cheap either…


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  2. Rating:

    Charged me for returned items!!!
    I have had 3 boxes delivered so far from Lookiero, some items from each I have kept but majority has been sent back. Either not anything I liked or felt comfy in or just too big/small. However my last box I sent all 5 items back (with Evri) and have been charged a total of £155 for 4 of the items as they ‘had not received back’ and assumed I was keeping them. I am so cross. I have now sent 3 emails asking for the money to be refunded as I sent all the items back and have had no answer from them. Safe to say I have now cancelled my subscription and will not be ordering anything else. I just hope that I can get my £155 back.


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Lookiero is an online personal shopping service for women across Europe. The service uses a unique blend of technology and the human touch to curate fashion items tailored to individual style, size and budget. This is achieved through a style quiz that customers take on their website. Their personal shoppers use this data to select five items from a collection of over 150 European brands, ranging in size from 6 to 20, to send to the customer. The contents of the box are a surprise until unwrapped. The service also includes style notes that provide insights and styling tips on the selected pieces, giving customers ideas on how to incorporate these items into their existing wardrobes. Customers are free to try the clothes on at home and only pay for what they want to keep, with free returns for any unwanted items. Lookiero does not require a subscription, customers can set their own price range and order boxes as often as they like. The service aims to provide a convenient, personalised and enjoyable shopping experience that promotes confidence, inspiration and freedom in personal style.

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