(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Very nice reading glasses
    I had a great shopping experience at Luxreader in the webshop. The glasses were of high quality and the website was easy to use. My only minor criticism is that the shipping costs were on the high side , but that’s just my opinion.


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Luxreaders is an innovative online store offering a wide range of high quality reading glasses for men and women at affordable prices. With a selection of bestsellers and a wide range of shapes and lens strengths, Luxreaders aims to meet the needs of every customer. The online store, luxreaders.co.uk, also offers blue light glasses, sunglasses and a virtual try-on feature, allowing customers to find the perfect pair of glasses to suit their face and personal style. The company ensures customer satisfaction by offering a 100-day free return policy, and by bypassing intermediaries to deliver products directly from the factory. This approach allows Luxreaders to offer glasses at fair prices while maintaining good conditions for those involved in the value chain. Luxreaders offers advanced online tools, such as its Personal Style Guide and Online Vision Test, which help customers find the right style and lens power for their needs. The company aims to redefine the way customers buy glasses, prioritising quality, affordability and convenience. Driven by a passion for Scandinavian design, Luxreaders creates a range of timeless Danish-designed reading glasses, sunglasses and blue light glasses in a variety of shapes and styles.

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