(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Good range at a great price.
    At missfoxy they have a nice range at a good price, which is why I love shopping here.


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Miss Foxy

Miss Foxy aims always to be passionate about designing clothing that people can wear and feel great in. They still lead with the same mission – to help customers express their style without breaking bank accounts.Still, as they’ve grown into a brand of significance, it’s becoming even more important for them to be affordable and find new ways to get you noticed!They are committed to giving back to our community and the world we live in and those around us. They want you as a customer or employee to have an opportunity to make this happen by taking part in one simple thing- shopping with them!Known for their generosity, Miss Foxy is committed to giving back in everything they do. To start the new year right and fulfill their promise of monthly donations, 5% profit will be donated throughout each quarter towards a charity of choice at every visit!You can also help decide which charities receive this donation by voting before each month’s end-of-quarter deadline (So there’ll always be some fun stuff happening).They will be hosting regular giveaways for customers, rewarding the winner with a Miss Foxy voucher and matching donations in their name to any charity they choose.

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