(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Pleasant knickers made of strech material.
    I ordered free pants from On Thas Ass and am satisfied with the quality. The boxer has a good fit, a nice design and is made of strech material. Totally my thing!


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On That Ass

On That Ass is an international supplier of boxer shorts and offers this on the basis of a subscription so that a new delivery of underwear will be delivered to the customer periodically. To get the customer acquainted with the underwear, one free pair of boxers can be ordered with the first order. When the first delivery is satisfactory, the customer can choose to become a member and, based on several preferences, such as size, colours and delivery frequency, a suitable subscription can be put together. The website also helps customers to make the right size choice. The boxer shorts come in several varieties, for example the Men Original, Men One, Boys Original, and the brand also has socks in its range that can be ordered in the same way. Customer service is easily accessible via the website, and the website also provides answers to frequently asked questions so that customers can quickly continue their shopping.

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