(2 Reviews)

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    Number of reviews: 2
  1. Rating:

    Very poor
    Half items missing from parcel. Slow customer service. Really complicated form to fill in at my end to make a claim. Refused to refund shipping costs or send replacement items. I definitely won’t be buying from them again!


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  2. Rating:

    Good prices but long delivery time.
    I had to wait 2 weeks for my order, but everything was ok.


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Parfumdreams is a webshop that aims to make it as easy and approachable as possible for customers to order branded perfumes. They can do this by keeping prices low, delivering quickly and keeping shipping costs low. In addition, the company wants to entice customers to make a purchase by allowing them to have the item gift-wrapped for free. You also get a free sample with every order, the bigger the order the more you receive. The range now consists of thousands of fragrances from hundreds of different suppliers. This makes it possible to buy in bulk and pass on the price advantage to customers. Thanks to its success, the webshop now operates in more than ten countries. This also allows the range to be continuously expanded with other products such as drugstore products, personal care items and health products. There is a separate category for gifts so you can quickly find a gift within your budget that suits the recipient. In addition, there are many discounts and discount codes active at Parfumdreams.

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