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PetLab Co.

PetLab Co. is an online company specialising in health and wellness products for dogs. Founded in December 2018, the company has grown to serve a global community of pet owners. PetLab Co. focuses on providing high-quality ingredients in its products, which are formulated in the EU using both domestic and globally sourced components. The company’s product range includes categories such as probiotics and gut health, skin and coat care, dental health and mobility support. These products are designed to address common health concerns in dogs and provide solutions to maintain and improve their well-being. PetLab Co. emphasises the importance of quality in its offering, ensuring that products meet high standards for canine health. In addition to product sales, PetLab Co. offers a subscription service that allows customers to receive regular shipments of their products while saving money and avoiding the hassle of reordering. This service includes the benefit of free delivery on subscription orders.

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PetLab Co.

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