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PetWell is a comprehensive online pet store, located at petwell.co.uk, offering a wide range of products and services to meet the needs of various pets, including dogs, cats and other small animals. The store prides itself on offering quality products at competitive prices, with a focus on the health and well-being of pets. For dogs, PetWell offers a wide range of food options including dry and wet dog food, treats and chews, working dog food and milk. The store also has a dedicated puppy section where customers can find dry and wet puppy food, as well as puppy milk. In addition to food, PetWell offers a range of dog health products including flea, tick and mite treatments, wormers, dental care, joint care and vitamins and supplements. The store also stocks a wide range of dog accessories, including bedding and mattresses, bowls and feeding dishes, car and travel accessories, carriers and crates, cleaning and hygiene products, coats and clothing, collars, leashes and harnesses, grooming tools, toiletries and training aids. Dog toys are available to keep pets entertained and busy. The store often offers great savings on flea and tick treatments for dogs, as well as other special offers and promotions. PetWell stocks products from popular brands such as Drontal, Frontline, Hills, Lily’s Kitchen and YuMOVE. Customers can also find expert advice and articles on pet wellness, covering topics such as dental health, night walks and food intolerances and allergies.

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