(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Absolutely loved my new underwear!
    I really love my new underwear. The sizes are always right and the shipping is really fast.


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Playful Promises

Playful Promises is a company where you can find all the lingerie you need. Not just for the bedroom, but also for daily wear. All lingerie is made of high-quality materials, and you will feel more confident. You can choose from a lot of different styles and colours in the webshop. By looking at the different options, you will always find a good fit. The products will be delivered as soon as possible, and you can pick a lot of different delivery options. International delivery is also available at the company. At Playfulpromises.com, the team strives to provide the best service possible. You can see it in their products, but also in the way they help you order your new lingerie. Customer support is available in multiple ways, and you will get an answer as soon as possible. The FAQ is also available on the website. Here you can find the most frequently asked questions and answers. When you are not happy with your purchase, you can return the items. Check the return policy before reaching out to the company, so you don’t get any surprises.

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Playful Promises

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