(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Bad service
    I am very disappointed in this company. I made an order on 31st January 2024 after several emails to them. I was getting emails back saying your parcel has been dispatched. I reserved the items on the 3rd of June, so it took 5 months they are telling me that they are trying to get a base in the UK until that happens I will not be buying anything else from them


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Pole Position

Pole Position Tackle is a specialist company focused on providing a diverse range of carp fishing products. This company is emerging as an innovator in the carp fishing industry, striving to provide unique and safe carp products that meet the needs and expectations of the modern angler. Pole Position Tackle prides itself on offering a comprehensive catalogue that includes everything from hooks, main lines and leads to rig tools, clothing and luggage to ensure anglers are well equipped for a successful fishing experience. Key to Pole Position Tackle’s offering is its commitment to innovation. The products on display show a clear focus on advancing the field of carp fishing, with the team behind the brand possessing a deep-rooted passion and understanding of carp fishing. The company’s ethos is firmly anchored in sharing their intrinsic connection and enthusiasm for carp fishing with their customer base.

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Pole Position

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