(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Lovely fabrics!
    The fabric feels really comfortable, soft on the skin and is great leisurewear. I can definitely see more pieces in the collection that I would love to be wearing. It was exciting to hear what the team have planned next!
    Would highly recommend anybody!


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Rey House

Rey House is a womenswear brand aimed primarily at the Generation X demographic. Born from a genuine passion for producing quality, well-fitting and timeless garments, the brand is built around the ethos of celebrating well-crafted clothing that truly complements its wearer. Aimed specifically at women in their 30s and beyond, Rey House understands that life is too fleeting to settle for ill-fitting clothes. This belief has led them to focus on quality fabrics, designs that flatter and traditional tailoring methods that result in pieces that women will cherish and return to time and time again. Their garments range from tops, trousers and knitwear to coats, jackets and dresses, all designed with the aim of creating a timeless capsule wardrobe. What also sets the brand apart is its commitment to understanding real women’s needs and preferences. They’ve ventured into ground-breaking projects such as their scanning event in Ingatestone, Essex, which used state-of-the-art technology to take over 250 body measurements to create accurate avatars and understand the different body types of real women.

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Rey House

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