(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Decent backpack, cool design.
    Awesome design and a very strong backpack, have already enjoyed it a lot and recommend it. It is easy to use, easy to adjust in size and can hold a lot.


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Rocksax is a relatively new entrant in the music merchandise industry. However, it has grown to become an innovative international market leader in the supply of music merchandise. The company has many years of experience working in the music licensing, merchandising, and retail industries.Rocksax has many artists on its extensive catalogue, including The Rolling Stones, Billie Eilish, Tupac, Grateful Dead, Beastie Boys, and Iron Maiden, and the list is continuously being updated. As of 2022, it represents more than 60 actors covering all genres.The music-merchandising firm designs and prints various products like fashion accessories, homewares, bags, travel goods, and luggage for UK residents. Remarkably, Rocksax is the only international company to attain the licenses for such product sectors.As part of its expansion strategy, the company is enhancing its international network by directly collaborating with agents, distributors, and major retailers worldwide. It currently has distribution agreements in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Japan, and the EU.Moreover, Rocksax has contracted several US and UK warehousing facilities and holds available stock for immediate delivery in both locations. It supports direct ordering for bulk deliveries to retailers in China.

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