(2 Reviews)

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    Number of reviews: 2
  1. Rating:

    Fake company
    The owner Isaac is such a scammer. It doesn’t even deserve a one-star rating.


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  2. Rating:

    Scammer Seller
    The seller is a big fraud. He’s been hiring independent contractors with the intention of not paying them after task completion.


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Royal Home Living

Royal Home Living is a UK based online retailer specialising in high quality, luxury home and garden products. Their focus is on providing a range of furniture and decorative items designed with attention to detail to help customers create homes that are both stylish and show-stopping. For outdoor living, they offer items such as outdoor furniture, parasols, pergolas, raised garden ponds and even outdoor cooking equipment including BBQs and luxury outdoor kitchen pavilions. For those interested in garden buildings, they have options such as garden offices and pavilions, and they even cater for glamping enthusiasts. In terms of indoor living, their range includes a variety of furniture including chests of drawers, dining tables and chairs, chests of drawers, sideboards, occasional tables, seating, wardrobes and bedside tables. The website also features a range of indoor lighting solutions such as floor lamps, lampshades, pendant lights and table lights. They also offer a range of home and decorative accessories including art and wall decor, home décor items, clocks, mirrors, footstools and storage solutions.

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Royal Home Living

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