(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Nice customer service team
    Excellent customer service and good quality products to start with. Really pleased with all my items, they are all of very nice quality and when I was confused about which lamp I needed, the customer service team were very helpful in sorting it out for me.


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SaveMoneyCutCarbon is a renewable energy semiconductor manufacturing company that aims to educate people on conserving natural resources to establish sustainability and save money. The company is dedicated to achieving its goal and making a difference in the local communities by assisting individuals to utilise water and energy in sustainable manners.
The company helps homeowners and businesses to take significant steps in developing sustainability by cutting down on water and energy bills, resulting in minimal emission of carbon. It provides water and energy-saving solutions, and its speciality is working with organisations, businesses, and homes to minimise water and energy consumption to reduce their costs.
SMMC has gained momentum in the modern market as it provides a series of consultancy services which range from survey to installation. It supplies and ensures the maintenance of a wide collection of products that target the major consumption sections of water, heating, energy and building controls.
SMMC is the accredited supplier for several manufacturers, including Philips, Hansgrohe, Neoperl, Lutron, Verbatim, Lodging Technology and EcoLed. It has commendable customer care services that facilitate the sale of eco-friendly products. It was endorsed as the green tourism distributor and considered the hotels’ approved distributor.

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