Story & Sons is an online retailer specialising in a wide range of products designed to support daily living, health monitoring and activities for people with different needs. The company focuses on providing aids to daily living, including bathroom products, dressing aids, kitchen tools and medication aids, as well as a range of watches and clocks with special features such as talking functions and designs suitable for people with dementia. Story & Sons also offers health monitors such as blood pressure monitors, fingertip oximeters and thermometers to help maintain wellbeing. The company is expanding its offering to include activity and sensory stimulation products, including art supplies, crafts, gardening tools and sensory companions, with the aim of enriching the lives of its customers through engagement and creativity. In addition, Story & Sons has a dedicated section for gifts and mobility aids tailored to conditions such as arthritis, dementia, hearing loss and sight loss, ensuring a thoughtful selection of products that enhance comfort and independence.

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