(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    great company and rightly so, because the snacks are heavenly.


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The Snaffling Pig

Snaffling Pig had its beginnings in 2015 at a tavern in Henley-on-Thames. Since then, the company have come a long way from the kitchen counter to their headquarters in Marlow, to Leighton Buzzard, then Aylesbury, and eventually to their current location in ancient farms just outside Yattendon, Berkshire.The company chose the farm in Berkshire since it felt like the best natural location for their manufacturing company. They also adore the British countryside because it is where their food is grown and where they can fill their lungs with good old-fashioned pure air.Having won twelve greatest taste awards, they’ve released the world’s first pork crackling cookbook, a variety of delectable tipples, their notorious advent calendars, their own, now historic, range of kamado-style BBQs and items, incredible Chorizo Bites and an EPIC bake-at-home whopper sausage roll with ketchup sauce.In 2021, The Snaffling Pig was named the fastest-growing meat snack brand in the United Kingdom and the seventh rapid-growing food and beverage brand. With over 1800 crowdfunding investors, including their workers, and a real Dragon’s Den legend in the person of Nick Jenkins (creator of Moonpig), it is safe to say that this pig is flying. They make sumptuous items that spark discussion and lift spirits. That’s why they continually strive to provide the best-tasting pork snacks attainable.

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The Snaffling Pig

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