(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Gift for Christmas.
    For my girlfriend, I ordered a tent to give at Christmas. I already had a quick look at it after receiving it, the order was completely ok on arrival.


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Trail Outdoor Leisure

Trail Outdoor Leisure is a UK-based shop that specialises in outdoor equipment. Established by outdoor enthusiasts, the company prides itself in providing everything a customer might need, whether camping, hiking or adventuring.The company’s catalogue consists of various outdoor products and equipment. These include tents & shelters, chairs, tables, sleeping equipment, among other accessories. The company has a customer care team tasked with helping customers choose the right equipment. It also provides description content for the products in its catalogue. So, you can always read through the company’s official website to find more information about the items you want to buy.Trail Outdoor Leisure also offers delivery services within the UK mainland and to a few selected overseas locations. It offers free delivery services for orders above £50 and can ensure same-day delivery, depending on the customer’s preference.For more information about Trail Outdoor Leisure, visit the official website at https://www.trailoutdoorleisure.co.uk/, email at sales@trailoutdoorleisure.co.uk or call 03455191599. You can also write to Trail Outdoor Leisure address Amy House 1 Wentworth Road Heathfield Industrial Estate Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 6TQ.

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Trail Outdoor Leisure

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