(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Good shop
    Good shop with nice travel cases, I am happy with them.


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Travel Luggage & Cabin Bags

The company, led by Udy Agarwal, strives to address the various needs of its massive consumer base and produce branded and quality items that have outstanding value. It was a small retail store in West Midlands, Smethwick, in 1969 and has grown to become a global company. Udy got into the family firm in 1990; he assisted in expanding the retail venture by importing and wholesaling travel and textile goods, servicing various industries such as hotels, cruise lines, shops and many retailers. The company ultimately began to focus on travel goods as the increased budget airlines rapidly expanded the luggage market. With this, the industry focused on solving hassles such as satisfying load restrictions and conforming to size requirements. With the introduction of online services, the company entered industry-disrupting luggage brands’ supply. The company has continued its spectacular growth by increasing its product base. It has a portfolio of wholly-owned brands such as Frenzy, Aerolite, Hoppa, 5 Cities and Marketeer. In Essex, the company operates two huge logistics warehouses, each with fully functional offices that enable it to cater to European customers greatly. To serve the ever-growing customer base, Travel luggage and Cabin Bags operates 3PL warehouses in Europe, the UK and the United States.

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Travel Luggage & Cabin Bags

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