(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
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    Items taking more than 2 months to arrive!
    I ordered a jumper and a coat for my sons birthday on the 7th of july, I waited nearly 2 months for the items to come and it was only when I rang up on the 1st of September they said that it was a system error and that they would ship it next week. Truly poor service and no apology or compensation.


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VX3 is a brand of running and sports clothing and gear that is committed to providing quality apparel at competitive prices. Their online store, vx-3.com, features a vast selection of running and sports clothing and gear, from jackets and shorts to technical tops and running shoes, as well as accessories like hats and bags. The brand is known for its quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, and all items are designed for maximum performance and comfort during intense activities. VX3 also offers a wide range of discounts, sales, and special offers to help customers find the best deals on the gear they need. The store is well-stocked with a variety of sizes and styles, so customers can find the perfect item for their needs. Delivery is fast and efficient, with orders usually arriving within a few days. VX3 is the ideal choice for anyone looking for high-quality running and sports gear. With a competitive selection of clothing, gear, and accessories available at great prices, customers can find everything they need to stay comfortable and perform at their best.

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