(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Delicious tea and beautiful products!
    This seller has got it right, the tea is very tasty and I have already ordered several times. The customer service is also very friendly, what more could you want?


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Wild Women Tea Club

Founded by Joney, Wild Women Tea Club began from humble beginnings as a vintage tea shop in Bristol known as Cox & Baloney. Cox & Baloney was founded by Joney and her friend, Amy Cox. Women Wild Tea Club first started as a small market stall, and the business gradually expanded to become a renowned business in the UK beverage industry.The tea club is passionate and specialized in door-to-door high-quality tea and herbs delivery. They have put in plenty of research to tap the healing powers associated with tea. The success that the Wild Women Tea Club is currently enjoying can be attributed to various advantages. First, the tea is great for your health. It is developed to provide customers with brighter mods, sharper minds, and less stress and anxiety.Second, the tea is carefully produced to perform to the highest level. The tea company only selects tea varieties that are focused on hormonal balance. In addition, it has a 100% transparency policy. All its tea varieties are gluten-free, plant-based, and vegan.Some of the tea varieties you can find at the Wild Women Tea Club include menopause support tea, period support tea, immune system support tea, happiness tea, sleep tea, baby & mum support tea, etc.

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Wild Women Tea Club

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