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Ashley Jade

Ashley Jade Vocational College, based in Southport, Merseyside, is an educational institution specialising in vocational training, particularly in the areas of Hair & Beauty and Sports & Fitness. The college offers a range of courses at different levels of education, from Entry 3 to OFQUAL regulated Level 3 courses. These courses are designed to provide students with practical skills and qualifications in their chosen vocational area. The college works closely with local councils, Career Connect services and high schools in Sefton and Liverpool to provide educational solutions for young people who are struggling in mainstream education. The aim is to re-engage these learners in education by helping them to gain vocational qualifications and develop employability skills, including functional skills in English, Maths and ICT. In addition, Ashley Jade Vocational College is involved in providing apprenticeships in hairdressing and beauty in partnership with CTSW Skills Ltd North West. This collaboration underlines the College’s commitment to practical, work-based learning. The College’s approach to education is focused on inspiring students to achieve their best and equipping them with the confidence and skills needed to succeed in their respective fields. Ashley Jade Vocational College’s partnership with a range of educational and government organisations underlines its integrated role in the local education landscape, contributing to the wider community by providing vocational education and training opportunities.

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Ashley Jade

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