(2 Reviews)

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    Number of reviews: 2
  1. Rating:

    Piss poor service
    Was delivered today apparently!!! But it was only delivered to the wrong friggin address if DPD is going to hire agency staff or people then maybe their people need to learn to look at addresses rather than taking the easy way out all the time, have to give a star but don’t even deserve that


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  2. Rating:

    My name’s Turan, l m one of the DPD Gatwick depot delivery driver by the CMP delivery company. So l did between 5th February to 14th February 971 stops plus 5th February 150 parcels collection.

    İ have big issues now with them about the payment they’re cutting my money without showing any official receipt and invoice.

    So when I m trying to contact with them CMP delivery puts the blame on DPD and DPD management puts the blame on CMP delivery. l spoke on the WhatsApp with few DPD managers who’s Jack Katie and John also Ryan didn’t answer yet.

    İ have £1147 receivable. l just want to let everyone who’s thinking to start to work this company please becafuly They’re not showing any contract and any payment documents invoices or receipt. İ m feeling now like they’re cheating me and stolen my money.

    So l hope DPD top management team hopefully hear to me from here and sorted out this issue and they can see what’s happening at the DPD Gatwick depot.

    İ m sharing my all the conversations with DPD Gatwick depot management.

    Kind Regards



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DPD UK, part of DPDgroup, is a parcel delivery service renowned for its commitment to reliability, speed and innovation within the logistics sector. With a reputation for excellence in the UK and around the world, DPD UK specialises in providing a range of delivery options tailored to the needs of both business and private customers, including next day delivery, international shipping and time-specific services to meet the diverse requirements of its customer base. DPD UK is distinguished by its pioneering use of technology to enhance the customer experience. The company offers advanced tracking systems, including the Predict service, which provides customers with a one-hour delivery window, significantly reducing the uncertainty and inconvenience often associated with parcel delivery. This technology-driven approach extends to the DPD App, which gives recipients greater control over their deliveries with features such as rescheduling and alternative drop-off points. Sustainability is a core pillar of DPD UK’s operations, with the company taking proactive steps to reduce its environmental impact. This commitment is demonstrated through initiatives such as the use of electric delivery vehicles and the development of urban logistics solutions to minimise carbon emissions in city centres.

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