(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
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    SCAM ALERT, I received a fake plastic card, don’t believe the fake reviews, they are all paid for reviews, check the names of the reviewers and you’ll know what I mean.
    They try to convince you that the IDP is just a translation but it’s not, check online for what the REAL IDP looks like, what they send you is a cheap printed plastic card that worth less than 3 dollars.


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International Drivers Association

The International Drivers Association (IDA) is a comprehensive platform that facilitates the acquisition of the International Driving Permit (IDP), an essential document for individuals wishing to drive in foreign countries. Recognised and accepted in over 150 countries, the IDP acts as a complementary document to a national driver’s licence, facilitating seamless vehicular mobility across international borders. IDA specialises in providing this vital United Nations-regulated travel document in a competent and expeditious manner, ensuring that travellers can embark on their international driving ventures with confidence and legality. In an effort to adapt to the modern needs of global travellers, the association offers both physical and digital versions of the IDP, with an emphasis on flexibility and convenience. The digital IDP offers quick access, ensuring travellers can proceed with their plans without delay, enhancing the overall travel experience. IDA’s comprehensive website also acts as a repository of valuable information, guiding users on the need for an IDP in different countries and providing essential insights into driving in different international locations.

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International Drivers Association

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