New Skills Academy is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses in a variety of categories including business, personal development, fitness, health and safety and more. The Academy offers over 900 courses designed to improve professional skills and boost confidence. These courses cater for a wide range of interests and professional needs, from administrative roles to creative industries such as fashion and design. Each course is designed to be accessible online, allowing students to study from anywhere, at any time, to suit different schedules and lifestyles. The courses are structured with detailed lessons created by experts in their field. New Skills Academy also offers support through knowledgeable tutors who are available to assist students. In addition, the platform awards verifiable qualifications upon course completion, which can be validated through the website. This feature underlines the Academy’s commitment to providing credible and recognised training. The New Skills Academy aims to serve a wide audience, from individuals seeking personal development to businesses looking for solutions for staff training.

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