(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Scammers that keep taking my money
    I wish I could give zero stars. Not only does this company keep taking money out of my account (which I NEVER SIGNED UP FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE), the system is not even allowing me to log in properly. There is no phone number to call, and I am extremely frustrated. Do not let them take your money.


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Steppit is emerging as a disruptive platform in the online education space, providing a streamlined and intuitive interface for course creators to build and sell engaging online courses. Founded with a resolute vision, it harnesses the potential of artificial intelligence to simplify the course creation process, offering a bespoke AI assistant, especially available in the Pro version, that guides creators through a meticulous planning phase to optimise course structure and potential revenue. In addition, the platform promotes an engaging learning environment through its emphasis on interactive, step-by-step video sessions, allowing trainers to effectively impart practical skills and knowledge to their audience. The offering extends to the provision of both Free and Pro channels, catering for different creator needs and budgets. While the free channels allow for unlimited course creation and sales with a revenue share model, the Pro channel enhances the user experience and capabilities by providing a fully customisable AI-powered assistant, among other advanced features. Recognised on various platforms such as Product Hunt, Steppit has enabled creators to offer enriched digital experiences to communities, reinforcing the principle of learning by doing. By effectively combining technological advances with user-friendly design and functionality, Steppit stands out as a thoughtful tool that connects creators and learners in a structured yet flexible digital learning environment. Steppit elegantly combines technological sophistication with pedagogical methodology, fostering a distinctive learning and teaching ecosystem.

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