(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Appaling customer service
    I used to recommend ID Mobile and has my kids cotracts with them for a few years. Prices were cheap and though low cost does often means poorer service, I did manage to sort out any problems that occurred. My recent experience is one of the worst customer service experiences I have ever had. They do everything possible to try to stop you actually managing to contact them and livechat is the only way. You have to go round in circles just to be connected and then you get through to people who are completely useless at dealing with the issue (probably not their fault). I had a helpful person contact me by phone after I made an order as there was a problem (I was thinking that this was positive) but he said it could only be sorted if I go on livechat. 6 hours of wasting my time and I got nowhere. If there are no issues ever, I am sure people will be OK with ID Mobile. Anything that cannot be sorted through the website and its bots, then you are in trouble!!


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ID Mobile

iD Mobile is a telecommunications provider offering a range of mobile phones and related services. It offers a selection of the latest smartphones from manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung and Google, including new releases such as the iPhone 15 and Galaxy S23 series. The company’s range of services includes pay monthly plans, SIM only deals, pay as you go options as well as phone upgrades and SIM free purchases. iD Mobile says it is committed to providing extensive network coverage, using the capabilities of Three’s network to deliver widespread 5G connectivity. The brand’s online platform supports a coverage checker tool, as well as a shopping basket feature for customers to manage their selections. Customer support is accessible through various resources, including a comprehensive help section. iD Mobile also facilitates a trade-in programme, alongside other customer engagement initiatives such as a referral programme and student discounts.

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ID Mobile

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